Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

Ar Gwe, 2006-08-04 am 00:43 +0200, ysgrifennodd Quim Gil:
> - In a worst case scenario, do we expect the GNOME Foundation board to
> arbitrate if someone violates the <list of behavior principles> or do we
> think that one thing is not related to the other and the board should
> refer only to the GNOME Foundation charter and by-laws.

That one is easy to answer - the answer is yes. I think you can argue
its yes by imagining the worst case scenarios. Say for example a
foundation member started posting racist hate speech, stolen copyright
material or porn on or from a address ?

I think your question is "when" - which is much harder and I offer no
material suggestions there. I would rather hope that in most cases when
people are behaving inappropriately its sufficient for someone to /msg
them "#gnome asks people to follow these guidelines  [URL to final
Murray doc]", just like most of them time when someone in person makes a
highly inappropriate remark people just tut or walk away.

> I'm in favor of improving the existing tools of the GNOME Foundation to
> enforce dialog, diversity and respect, and to prevent abuse and act
> effectively against it. 
> I'm against adopting an official netiquette-alike set of behavior
> principles at a GNOME Foundation level.

"Lets improve the tools but I'm against improving the tools"

> I'm not against producing a list of useful recommendations like Murray
> is doing, to be as accepted as the community wants to accept it.

One of the things it does is help prompt people to realise there is a
problem. Very large numbers of projects have community standards, many
of them have since written them down in order to ensure people
understand and share interpretations.

There are still discussions and disagreements on interpretaton (see the
Debian 'hotbabe' package example for one classic).

Its really important for online projects because the usual feedback
which governs such behaviour isn't all there. Thus things like awkward
silences aren't visible to make the poster realise they are upsetting
people or acting inappropriately.


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