Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

tir, 01 08 2006 kl. 15:07 +0100, skrev Telsa Gwynne:
> Ar Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 11:57:10AM +0200, ysgrifennodd Philip Van Hoof:
> > On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 11:38 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > The idea is to state what we consider acceptable behaviour, in order to
> > > advertize to newcomers what they can expect when getting involved in
> > > GNOME, and to reinforce this existing behaviour, so that bad behaviour is
> > > more clearly unacceptable when it does happen. It says who we are and who
> > > we want to be and how we'd like people to think of us.
> > 
> ...
> > I agree and understand the code on that wiki. I would accept cooperating
> > with somebody who does and who doesn't. It's his/her personality and
> > his/her behaviour. It's not me (nor GNOME) to judge it. 
> You are saying that it's not up to you to judge people's behaviour? 
> I judge all the time, and really I bet you do too. And I am really fed 
> up that Murray has worked on this for months, and now people are still
> saying "It's too hard! It's too official! I might have a bad day!"
> No-one is suggesting that you are banned from being rude (unfortunately).
> That list says "Advice" at the top. And the idea is that those are the
> behaviour that Gnome people think we should be following. It doesn't
> say everyone will always be perfect. It's more about setting a standard. 

I entirely agree with Telsa.

Murray did a very good job drafting our written down Code of Conduct and
I think we need it.

For those who might feel they have a bad day please spare other innocent
persons to share it with you. Most e-mails can wait an other day till
you feel good again and are able to behave civilized:)

I think that we have most people with us now and can agree on the GNOME
Code of Conduct.


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