Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

El dv 04 de 08 del 2006 a les 00:44 +0100, en/na Alan Cox va escriure:
> Ar Gwe, 2006-08-04 am 00:43 +0200, ysgrifennodd Quim Gil:
> > - In a worst case scenario, do we expect the GNOME Foundation board to
> > arbitrate if someone violates the <list of behavior principles> or do we
> > think that one thing is not related to the other and the board should
> > refer only to the GNOME Foundation charter and by-laws.
> That one is easy to answer - the answer is yes.

Note that the question is if you prefer A or B. "Yes" is not an answer. 

I agree the board should arbitrate in a worst case scenario, with or
without a <list of behavior principles>. The question is if the
benchmark for that arbitration relies in the official documents of the
GNOME Foundation or we need to create a new <list of behavior
principles> to be "blessed" by the board.

> "Lets improve the tools but I'm against improving the tools"

This is not what I'm saying. I'm talking about improving the tools we
already have instead of creating a new tool to patch our weaknesses,
making the current tools even more obsolete and forgotten. 

Ubuntu has a Code of Conduct. The USA have a Constitution. The GNOME
Foundation has a charter and by-laws. 

Do we need to promote excellence, favor minorities and prevent abuse?
Let's make our current tools useful for that. The charter contains
already "a set of principles that we, the GNOME community, believe in
and strive to abide by". The by-laws contains already a benchmark
to look to for the board and the rest of bodies officially involved in
the GNOME project.

These documents reflect already the content and intent of the GNOME
Foundation. They don't need any extra blessing or acceptance, what is in
there is a right, a duty and a guidance for all of us. If they need
updating let's update them. If they need advertisement let's advertise

Quim Gil /// |

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