Re: Reducing the board size

<quote who="The Face of Sun Microsystems">

> > Consensus and execution become crippling problems because no director
> > has a responsibility to the organisation to push it forward (by either
> > dropping an issue for that term or executing it).
> I'm not convinced you can do this with 11 people though - it's too big a
> number to create synergy between the team, as you mention in a previous
> mail about the usual numbers for these types of groups.
> I do agree with your proposal for a standard 4 member elected executive.
> Having 3 committee members on top of that seems like it would complement
> that, rather than the additional 7 which feels too crowded, hence why I'm
> voting "YES" ;)

7 is way too small to represent the diversity of our community. Consider it
in these terms: 2 people from 3 contributing companies and 1 other person.

No thanks. Our community deserves a diverse board, and structured leadership
for our organisation.

- Jeff

UbuntuBelowZero in Montreal!
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       the free software project par excellence." - Richard Stallman

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