Re: [Evolution] [Thread closed] Mark emails as read annoyance

Hi :) 
I think there are a few people working too hard here. 

There does need to be more people but i'm not sure how we increase numbers without setting aside the much needed work in order to maybe get more people.  Of course there are no guarantees so it could easily turn out that no new people, or even worse, bad coders.  

So i think that while i have occasionally argued against people on this list i do appreciate that they are doing a lot of good work. 

We need bug-reports and ticket numbers rather than just vague comments left on an emailing list because it's not easy to track threads in an email list and something else always crops up that needs to be dealt with more urgently.  The bug-tracker allows people to prioritise work and to get back to incomplete work that may have had to be set aside in favour of doing something more urgent. 

Posting bug-reports need not be such a drama.  it is possible to post a bug-report and then offer no further feedback for the QA/triagers.  That way means the bug is unlikely to get solved until someone else finds the problem and is prepared to put a bit more work into giving feedback.  For people that have never posted a bug-report before finding that someone else has already done the initial post can be a huge relief and gives them confidence in following up. 

Also while some of us feel we don't get the response we deserve we have to realise that very little of the time people put into coding and solving problems is paid for.  Although some people do get paid for some of their time that is dwarfed by the amount of time they really spend here.  Most of the work done by volunteers or by paid staff putting in extra time instead of spending time with their families. 

So, i think everyone here deserves a huge thanks from all of us that just lurk here.  
Many thanks to all of you on both sides of this argument!
Thanks and regards from
Tom :) 

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