Re: [Evolution] Inline pictures in Evo 1.4.3

On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 14:48, guenther wrote:

Well, as you can send messages via GMX using any MUA, the email address
does not identify the MUA properly. Judging from the boundary, it is
likely the web frontend. To be sure, check the mail headers for a line
very similar to:

X-Mailer: WWW-Mail 1.6 (Global Message Exchange)

This identifies the GMX web frontend as MUA.

This is what I found in the header:

X-Mailer:  WWW-Mail 1.6 (Global Message Exchange)

So it really is gmx web mail.

FWIW: Seems, like GMX uses non-standard MIME types and thus breaks
proper identification for any receiving MUA, that looks at the MIME type
(like Evolution) rather than simply trying to display the attachment.
(The very same dumb behavior, that opens holes in OE... ;)

Can't you just add pjpeg and handle the same way as jpeg?


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