Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 07:38, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
tor, 2003-01-09 kl. 00:54 skrev Chris Toshok:

The only present issue with just using lachman/laser (or rather what the
example in the lachman/laser draft shows) is that the mailGroup
definition contains "MUST (cn $ mail)"..  Not sure what to do wrt the
'mail' attribute when creating a MUA mailing list, as the members of the
list are represented as mgrpRFC822MailMember attributes.

We could create another mailGroup-esque objectClass..  maybe like the

objectclass ( x.x.x.xxxx.xxxx.xx.x.x.x
    NAME 'muaMailGroup'
    DESC 'MUA Friendly Mail Group'
    MUST ( cn )
    MAY ( mgrpRFC822MailMember ) )

That can be used in conjunction with mailGroups..  Not sure yet.

Hmmm ... the only Lachmann-Laser I have is from Jan 2001, is included
with the Openldap tarball distro. At the end, is the following:

(ii)    Removed references to mailGroup document which has expired.

There's no definition of a mailGroup objectclass, only a dif file
example with one in it.

Yeah... all these drafts have long since expired :)

mailGroup is defined in this draft (expired 1998):

mailGroup and the lachman/laser stuff seem more geared toward mail
delivery, letting you specify which mailHost to use for a particular
address, which addresses are local, etc.

There's another draft, from which rfc822MailMember seems to originate
(expired 1999):

A test example I use doesn't have a mailGroup objectclass:

dn: cn=localmailgroup,ou=people,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: nisMailAlias
structuralObjectClass: nisMailAlias
cn: localmailgroup billy demon nl
rfc822MailMember: pete vbld1 nl
rfc822MailMember: paul vbld2 nl
rfc822MailMember: fred vbld3 nl
rfc822MailMember: evy
rfc822MailMember: tonye
rfc822MailMember: torgeir

That's all it needs. My mailserver parses localmailgroup billy demon nl
and removes the realm, if necessary.

Yeah, nisMailAlias is another alternative, but for some reason (I don't
really understand it myself, possibly because of my tour as a sysadmin)
I find myself wanting to steer clear of anything with "NIS" in its name

But, it's not in an rfc or anything and as I said, what guarantee would
there be that it would correspond to something on a MS Exchange or
eDirectory group?

Well the only thing we really need to decide upon is the attribute
that'll be used to hold raw email addresses, since that basically
dictates what structural classes we'll be able to interoperate with. 
Whatever objectclass mozilla/evolution ends up using should be auxiliary
- We'll need another objectClass anyway to store mua specific things,
like "hide the email addresses when i send email to this list", that
sorta thing..  Not sure what mozilla requires in this regard.

MS likes to store filters in their active directory stuff (at least I've
seen a few in my dealings with it), so it wouldn't suprise me if they
support something like membershipFilter (from the srivastava draft).. 
And that might be a good feature to add to evolution, but I'm loathe to
fire off nested queries to fully resolve an object (which is the reason
I hate groupOf{Unique}Names).


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