[Evolution] Recieving mail

I've a question about getting mail. I've recently moved from a
fetchmail/procmail/mh/exmh system. I use MH folders for the mail. I am
quite happy that Evolution supports MH fully. Thank you.

My question lies in getting the mail. I really don't want to move out of
the Evolution paradigm because of MH indexing and Evolution. I use a lot
of remote tools over SSH and am quite used to using the MH cmdline tools
for reading mail. It was quite easy to add an alias to grep for "/mbox/"
on the folders -recurse command while using ~/evolution/local/ as the MH

My problem is that in order for Evolution to get the mail, it has to be
running. This isn't really desirable by me, I'd rather log out when I'm
away, not to mention system resources and all that.

Is there a way to get evolution to collect email over POP without
keeping gnome and evolution running? 

i.e something like: "~/:$ evolution --no-X --receive-mail"

Lance Levsen,
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