Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

tor, 2003-01-09 kl. 02:22 skrev Joaquim Fellmann:

Hm, but that's exactly what I did with my test..  The cn was "Account"
and I changed it to "Account Test" without clicking on the button and it
worked (sn shows up as "Test").

Here it is:

You're right, I tried with an existing ldap entry which has a 
cn=John and I add "Smith" in evolution it works great (adding to the
LDAP server with Smith as sn)

I'm picking up fag ends here (British English expression for "casting
half a glance and reacting without forethought"), which I shouldn't be,

Openldap 2.1.10, Evo 1.2.1, GQ.

I have *no* trouble with this. I can update DIT entries with ldapmod, GQ
or Evo and they all do the same.

I have a friend, Evy Breivik. She just got married and changed her name
to Evy Tharaldsen. I modified het in Evo, and her name was faithfully
changed in my DIT and was confirmed in ldapsearch and GQ.

However, I do use different DN structures from that reported in this
thread. And I do use (a modified) evolutionperson.schema.

DIF file 1:

dn: cn=evy,ou=people,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: evolutionPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: calEntry
structuralObjectClass: evolutionPerson
uid: evy
cn: Evy Breivik
sn: Breivik
fileAs: Breivik, Evy

DIF file 2

dn: cn=evy,ou=people,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: evolutionPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: calEntry
structuralObjectClass: evolutionPerson
uid: evy
cn: Evy Tharaldsen
sn: Tharaldsen
fileAs: Tharaldsen, Evy

Repeat, this was changed with Evo 1.2.1



P.s., Chris: Where's the mailing list schema? I told you how to do it,
and Adam Williams backed me up.

P.p.s., She just got divorced and I changed her name back to Breivik.


Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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