Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 01:05, Chris Toshok wrote:

Why Evolution couldn't add the missing objectClass and attribute is
beyond me.

It does add the missing objectClasses (that's the reason the 'sn'
attribute is required), but it won't add an sn attribute if there's not
one in the contact editor, it only stores what it can from the input you

The thing is if you give him "John Smith" as a Full Name (without
clicking on the "Full Name..." button), it will automatically assume the
sn as Smith in the create case but cannot assume it in the update case.
That's what I find not so homogeneous.
What I can see is 2 different behaviours for one same thing:
in one case it assumes the sn in the other it doesn't although it could.
If it's the way it's supposed to work I take it, if not I'd happily feed
bugzilla ;-)

Anyway thanks for the help

Joaquim Fellmann <mljf altern org>

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