Re: [Evolution-hackers] note on colorized calendars

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 07:44, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> Anders mentioned in IRC that there's a bug filed in gtk about each theme
> providing a number of colors that can be distinguishable from each
> other. I suppose that would be, if at all, in GTK 2.4, so we can't rely
> on that, but once we've got this in GTK, it seems the best way to get
> the colors. Thus each theme can set the best colors for it.

Interesting.  If it is in 2.4 we can rely on it, I think, since we are
going to target GNOME 2.6 with Evo 2.0.  (Although I am not completely
sure about the requirements on our side yet.)

-- Ettore

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