Re: [Evolution-hackers] note on colorized calendars

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 13:17, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> Although, as said in, we
> can come with a color palette "that works for nearly everyone".

I'll have a look.

I think that the most important thing we are naturally doing is to have
the background colors be light and have dark text (well, the theme
"text" color) - if someone has problem with telling the light tones
apart, there is always the possibility to change the calendar colors by
hand. Most importantly we will have enough contrast so even if you had
trouble telling two calendars apart, you can at least read the events.

What do you think? Choosing strange colors to please everyone might not
be what we want, but rather design a nice color set, that looks nice for
most people, and *does not present any big problems for accessibility*,
and then give a possibility to change the colors to suit any special
needs if the default is not ideal. 

I think that might work..?


Tuomas Kuosmanen <tigert ximian com>

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