2006-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
DVI Specials,
Ricardo Markiewicz
Scrapbook feature?,
Juhana Sadeharju
Evince 0.5.5 released,
Nickolay V. Shmyrev
Bug, asks for password, where there is none needed,
Pit Garbe
Bug 343282 =?windows-1251?Q?=96?= memory leak when reloading,
Ricardo Markiewicz
feature request: multiple tabs, back and forward buttons, multiple instances...?,
none none
evince, djvu, icons,
John Pye
Proposition: Double click select word under the mouse cursor,
Nikolay Ulyanitsky
Mail converted by MHonArc