Re: Scrapbook feature?

>From: "Nickolay V. Shmyrev" <nshmyrev yandex ru>
>Dear Juhana, I think poppler command line utils are more suitable for
>your task. pdftoppm and pdftotext will do all pages for you in a cycle
>hundred time faster.

That is too complicated. I read scientific papers and if I see
something worth of remembering, I want make the selection and
paste the image to a document (not necessarily a word processor,
but my own scrapbook application).

>Rectangle area selection is useful though we have bug about it in evince
>bugzilla. Add yourself to CC list to track it state changes.

I check the rectangle tool. It would be generally useful.
The copy/paste of the final rendering sounds a simpler task
than what is proposed in the above bug.

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