feature request: multiple tabs, back and forward buttons, multiple instances...?

I was reading "The Not So Short Introduction to LaTEX 2e" today and
saw a reference(link?) to another page. I wanted to quickly flick to
that page and then come straight back to where I was. Unfortunately
evince has no web style back and forward buttons. No problem I thought
to myself, I'll just open up a second copy of the document and use
that for following links. Unfortunately evince got in my way again by
refusing to have two copys of the same pdf opened at the same time.

Can I get around this awkward behaviour? I know it's nice for messy
people who forget they opened something already and end up with 5 of
the same doc open on all their virtual desktops but I'd like to make
evince work the way I do.

So I dont really have a single feature request but I think the ideas
of either back and forward buttons, multiple tabs (I'd like middle
clicking on a link to open a new tab on that page) or multiple
instances should be considered.


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