Re: [Banshee-List] GConf reference missing

Hi Boris,

I have built Banshee in VS express at one point, but I've done most of
my work with SharpDevelop 3.0.  Yes, I use the .csproj files.  When I
load them, I don't say "Build Solution" since (with how things are
currently configured) that would build projects like Banshee.Gnome and
others that are unnecessary.  Instead I have it build Nereid (the main
Gtk# client), and I couple others - Banshee.GStreamer and
Banshee.PlayQueue - and then I run the Nereid project, not the

If you can fix up the .csproj files so that things that are n/a on
Windows don't build, and things that aren't fixed to build don't try
to build - so that Build and Run Solution work - that would be great.

You did run 'git pull' in both the toplevel Banshee directory (the one
containing src/ and data/) *and* from bin/ beneath it, right?


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Boersnoes <boris callens coteng com> wrote:
> Ah, so I can safely unload the Banshee.Gnome library on a windows compile.
> Well I fixed it right up to the part where the unexisting library kicks in.
> Can you tell me how come the projects seem to be all wrong for me yet still
> people are compiling it without problems?
> Did I not properly git the latest files, did the VS2008 conversion wizard
> fudge up or are people not using the csproj files to build?
> Thanks for the assistance. I think it would benefit the Banshee win comunity
> if we would have a "Visual studio ready" solution to lower the learning
> curve.
> Greets
> Boris
> gabaug wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Boersnoes <boris callens coteng com>
>> wrote:
>>> I currently didn't touch a letter of code yet and am only trying to fix
>>> the
>>> .sln and .csproj files as they seem to be seriously out of touch. I have
>>> lots of double and missing references to libraries, external libraries
>>> and
>>> .cs files.
>>> If I'm not supposed to ref the GConf backend, does this mean the code
>>> that's
>>> using it is out of date?
>> No, we use the GConf backend on Linux.  But it's not intended for use
>> on Windows.  Nothing in Banshee should reference it except
>> src/Backends/Banshee.Gnome - which is only intended for GNOME users.
>>> As I'm relatively new to the whole source control and OSS contribution
>>> system I was also wondering what the best way would be to contribute my
>>> work
>>> can be used by others.
>> We have a page on our website describing how to submit patches:
>> Looking forward to your contributions!
>> Gabriel
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