Re: DialUp Pref [was: Re: HTML support (was Re: Simplification of preferences)]

Am 2002.11.18 09:32 schrieb(en) Toralf Lund:
>> Am 2002.11.14 23:21 schrieb(en) Toralf:
> The idea is that some functionality that is usually convenient, might 
> cause trouble on a dial-up connection because the computer may no 
> actually be connected to the net, or because the connection is *slow* 
> when it is. The only argument for not having certain features "always 
> on", appears to be that they could cause trouble on a dialup-connection. 
> So why not collect all of these in a single setting rather than having 
> several confusing prefs?
> I haven't *really* thought a lot about this, though, and I'm not sure 
> that "dial up" is a good name for the setting.

You think about some special prefs, aren't you?
But which setting would need this except the polling of the servers and 
the queuing of sent mails.
I don't think anybody access ldap servers through the internet, or?

An online and offline mode would perhaps reflect such a thing much better, 
but that is only a naming thing...

Another note on this: in a recent article about Balsa in a German Computer 
mag ("c't") they complain about not supporting "smtp after pop" - perhaps 
we can simply change the general behaviour (or create again a new pref ;-)


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