Re: WG: [xslt] decimal char problem - possible Solution

On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 05:33:58PM +0200, Marco Stipek wrote:
> Dear Danil,
> sorry but I think there are some misunderstandings! Maybe we didn't
> understand you. Here the deal: We'll try to summarize the problems we
> have then you can do a last comment at our proposal.
> [...]
> 2. Netscape prior to Version 6 has problems with the
>    HTML Output generated by libxslt, because it isn't able to compute
>    the hexvalue of the entities correctly. It only deals right with
>    decimal values.

Sorry, but i can't confirm this. I write this while working on a
cpnverter that uses libxml/libxslt. Since this program is supposed to
replace old code that had encoding problems i did a lot of test with
all sorts of strange input. One of my reference browser is 
Netscape Communicator 4.75 / Linux -- the browser has no problems at
all to display hex encoded entities.
What is the encoding selected in your browsers font preference?
Do theses problems show up with _all_ non-ascii characters (in my
output most non-ascii characters are sent as 'normal' ISO-encoded
characters, _not_ as entities).

Oh, and before i forget: the last time i got strange looking results
in Netscape (i.e. it looked like '#x2056') it was my stupidity. I
called xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() where i shouldn't have ;-)

> [...]
> 3. We have to stay on the ISO-8859-1 encoding because there are many other
>    problems in switching to UTF-8. First to mention is the browser
>    compatibilty we are required to support (e.g. Netscape 3).
>    Our Editing tools (like Hotmetal) are not correctly Unicode
>    enabled. So the usage of utf-8 will not close down our problems, it
>    will raise more.
> 4. Our proposal for sollution is to add a feature in fully compliance
>    with the recommendations of w3c. We'd like to ask you to add a
>    feature (especially for the HTML serializer) to get a decimal
>    output in char entities (which did the snippet I've posted before).
>    The usage of a global var was not a need, it was only a proposal
>    (indeed I'm thinking a bit different about usage global vars, e.g. for
>    problems in Multithreaded environments, but it's the style done so
>    far, and I respect that!).
> So please don't be angry, but we have the need to solve the problem
> (and in short time terms we have already because we patched libxml2 in
> that way). But we think the community is also interested in being
> able to use libxslt in the way the world (in this case the browsers)
> will understand it's output correctly.

I think the angyness was a conditional ;-) Jumping at solutions without
having the neccessary input to verify the problem ...

> We don't want to rob your time, we only want to improve the libs to
> getting usable to all people like to use libslt for different
> applications not only for test suites!

Create a good test case and everyone will be happy to help.
That's my experience so far on this list.

> Marco
> --<XMLFILE> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <FOO>
>         <BAR>Etudes en technologie de l&#8216;information</BAR>
> </FOO>
> --</XMLFILE> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> --<XSLFILE> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
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> <xsl:template match="FOO">
>         <html>
>                 <head>
>                         <title>Test Page</title>
>                 </head>
>                 <body>
>                         <xsl:apply-templates/>
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>         </html>
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> <xsl:template match="BAR">
>         <h1><xsl:apply-templates/></h1>
> </xsl:template>
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> --<OUTPUT FIXED VERSION>-------------------------------------------------
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
> <title>Test Page</title>
> </head>
> <body>
>         <h1>Etudes en technologie de l&#8216;information</h1>
> </body>
> </html>
> --</OUTPUT FIXED VERSION>-------------------------------------------------
> --<OUTPUT PROBLEM VERSION>-------------------------------------------------
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
> <title>Test Page</title>
> </head>
> <body>
>         <h1>Etudes en technologie de l&#x2018;information</h1>
> </body>
> </html>
> --</OUTPUT PROBLEM VERSION>-------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Marco Stipek
> triplex - agentur fuer neue medien GmbH
> Herzog-Heinrich-Strasse 11-13
> 80336 Muenchen
> Tel: +49 89 209138-23
> Fax: +49 89 209138-10
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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