Re: Still need a hint for undecorated windows

Sasha Vasko wrote:
Now I do belive that we already have a property allowing applications to
detect if they are decorated or not, which is _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS.

This only happens *after* the client window is managed, though. There is not way to detect at application startup if the window manager supports/allows turning off decorations. So app authors have to decide which is their default (I can already guess what it will be), and then adjust their UI once they've been shown.

As far as adding a property to request no frame decor, I think Motif
hints are perfectly good, having an advantage of completely covering the
purpose and being around for long enought for ppl to take notice. Quite
honestly I think that any WM concious of user wishes, should provide
configuration means for user to define what apps should and should not
get decorations.

Using _MOTIF_WM_HINTS does work, and it seems to be the consensus that this should be the canonical approach to doing it. What about listing it in _NET_SUPPORTED? This will at least give app authors the possibility of making an informed decision as to what the interface should look like.

Its getting kinda silly with all the apps trying to push window managers
around in order to implement some funky ideas of theirs.

I don't see it that way. I see it more as a way of trying to be innovative and polite at the same time. Sure, they could use override-redirect, but then focus handling goes right out the window. But, if they want focus handling, they don't get a clean slate to work on.

Bradley T. Hughes - bhughes at
Trolltech AS - Waldemar Thranes gt. 98 N-0175 Oslo, Norway

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