Re: [Usability] SoundJuicer "Submit Track Names" is unusable.

On 5/8/07, Rohan Oberoi <rohan oberoi cornell edu> wrote:
I understand your concerns about the quality of freedb data

Its got nothing to do with the quality of the data.
Everything about it is shit.
The whole system needs to be ripped down.

Most people will not.  That means lost
data.  They typed in the track titles, and it was lost,

Soundjuicer should save the data locally for next time you put the CD in.
That is a bug
It has nothing to do with usability.
It defintely shouldn't depend on whether or not you submit it to some
random database online.

Usability shouldn't have
to wait for them to catch up.

So really, you're just pissed of because there isn't a button to
submit to freedb
And you're wrapping it in the "Won't somebody think of the usability"

Nothing should (*) use freedb
the soon it dies
the better.

The solution to this whole thing is to go to
and file a bug
(WARNING: This will send you to a &*#$% web page and require you to
fill in some stuff)
asking for Soundjuicer to save the data locally when you change it.

And as bastien said, the musicbrainz site could be better, but thats
nothing to do with us


(*) I apologize profusely for gnome-cd...I really do...

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