Re: Future Plans .....

 >>> I'm not sure if mxflat is a default theme or not, but since this is
 >>> the theme I use and like it as is, I'd like to ask for keeping it
 >>> intact. In my opinion no change to it is necessary, and especially no
 >>> change for the sake of changing.
 >> looks like everyone is using mxflat ;)

 Daniel> Yeah, isn't it the best theme ever?

Can mxflat be changed dynamically? Here is what I am thinking: I'd like
to have one configuration for tablet mode and one for notebookmode.

Also, it would be nice to be able to move the window title bar to the
left (along the edge). Once thing that happens all the time when you
rotate a screen is that the window title gets partially covered because
the tablet mode is in portrait mode, and there no keyboard any more!


Daniel M. German         
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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