Re: Is there anything comparable out-there?

Andrea Vettorello said:     (by the date of Wed, 16 May 2007 19:05:18 +0200)

> On 16 May 2007 09:57:20 -0400, Ian Zimmerman <itz madbat mine nu> wrote:
> > Since sawfish is GPL, why not savannah?  It is the only community
> > development site I can live with.
> Well, i asked to cause it was the first i recalled who
> offers host with a wiki infrastructure. (=

well, my request on still wasn't accepted. I guess it needs
some time for the admins to answer. If you feel like making a request
there for sawfish page I'll gladly support it. And I guess that
others from the mailing list will do that too.

It works in following manner: someone (you) requests a particular
wiki. The other people from the community write {{support}} comments.
If there are enough supporting comments, the administrators know that
this wiki will not die :^) and they accept it.

You can compare this with my request page:

But don't write supoprt comments there, unless you are interested in that
particular wiki related to my software :-)

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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