Re: [orca-list] Our list will be moving to Discourse

Am 13.09.22 um 23:20 schrieb Peter Vágner via orca-list:
are even giving instructions for those who like to use it like the email lists:

Simple the fact, that I have to read this site to understand how to interact with Discourse by mail, is an evidence that communicating via this kind of plattform is more complicated then using email and not very inclusive for people with a not so big technical background.

As already said, its not the problem with accessiblity. The sites can be used with orca and a grafical browser. But it is more complicated then using normal email, it excludes people who still work in a pure textbased environment and it excludes people who are not expirenced enough to use that kind of technique. It might make live easier for expirenced users, but it will take more time for all users and it might exclude other users which can communicate via mail, but who might not be able to use webbased forums. If the forum for a software, that should be helpfull for people, is causing the same people problems and makes them difficult to participate in discussions, IMHO this is the wrong aproach. Its just not inclusive :-(.

Just my 2 cents,


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