Re: [orca-list] Can't get Orca start in a graphical environment started


On my install of arch linux the latest lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0.3 is working for me. It's possible I have done something not clearly documented to get it working though and right now I am trying to duplicate that kind of setup on slint, so I'll report back if I find something more.
I am not sure about debian, Samuel is more experienced in terms of accessibility however I guess debian includes lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.10 which is a bit older. It is even older than the freezing related issue we were discussing yesterday.



2017-11-02 18:29 GMT+01:00 Didier Spaier <didier slint fr>:

Le 02/11/2017 à 17:02, Samuel Thibault a écrit :
> Peter Vágner, on jeu. 02 nov. 2017 16:44:14 +0100, wrote:
>> I.d say this is some missunderstanding. I'm using gnome since 3.6 and I have
>> never seen gdm cleaning at-spi. It means at-spi is exited when gdm exits.
> He is not talking about gdm, but lightdm.
>> I will really have to do some more experiments to better understand this but
>> since gdm is not stopping at-spi, similar setup might be possible with lightdm.
> No, because lightdm sets up its session differently, which doesn't allow
> auto-cleanup such as what happens with gdm.

Yesterday I downloaded an ISO following this link:
found on this page:

I had speech both in lihghtdm and in Maté in a VirtualBox VM.

(After that I installed gdm3 ant its zillion deps out of curiosity.
Unfortunately the system was stuck in a loop after rebooting but this is
off topic).

So Samuel, would you be kind enough to list the needed Debian packages
fitting well together from which I could take inspiration to get a
graphical a11y stack working?  Preferably the most recent stack that you
know works. Of course including lightdm, not gdm3.

Peter, same request for Arch.



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