Re: [orca-list] What version of libwebkit-gtk need installing with Natty to possible proper use Yelp webkit based version?


I promise yesterday I will be trying Joanie suggested hints for webkit GTK based yelp in my Natty testing system. I not replaced yet factory packaged webkit gtk related packages. I remember wrong, already not have gecko based Yelp Orca application-setting file with my .local/share/orca/app-settings directory.

Enabling caret navigation solving cursor tracking problems with I yesterday wrote (up and down arrow keys Orca not spokened actual lines). A good news for accessible purpose distribution manufacturers, enable caret navigation setting is stored, so possible enabling central way by default with caret navigation for webkit based yelp with custom distribution if put proper Yelp related configuration file in the etc/skel/.config/yelp folder, the filename is yelp.cfg. The yelp.cfg file containing only following lines if caret navigation is enabled, quotation marks is not need:

I looked Yelp usage both factory Natty packaged gnome-orca 2.91.93 version, and actual git master version. First impressions is very good. When I open a new help topic with an already opened topic, possible right reading the help topic if I using structural navigation commands.

Founded interesting issues:
1. When a help topics have a linked text, and if Orca begin spokening link text, link rolename spokening is happening with middle the link text spokening, not after the link text spokening.
For example, Orca main help page have following similar text:
"Read the universal access help topics."
Right spokening is following:
"Read the universal access help topics link."
I hear similar wrong result:
"Read the universal acc link ess help topics."
I don't no yet this is happening because webkit gtk related components is not the latest master version, I not tested yet this.
I reported this issue with following bugreport in bugzilla:

Unfortunately, I reproduced this issue both factory packaged gnome-orca 2.91.93 version and actual Orca 3.1.0pre version, of course I attached the maked debug.out file. Hopefuly, this problem is happening because packaged webkit version is 1.3.12 version in Natty.

2. If I hear right, webkit based Yelp version Orca not spokening short desc field with a section title when jumping section titles with Tab and Shift+Tab keys, gecko based oldest Yelp version Orca spokening section title and section short description (desc field) when jumping section links with Tab and Shift+Tab key combinations. I need looking again this to absolute sure this issue before reporting this issue with Orca related in bugzilla if this is an Orca bug. This problem is resolve with future Webkit 1.4 version, or this is the good way handling for Orca and Gecko based oldest Yelp version working wrong?

Now, I doed a short test only for new webkit based Yelp version and Orca usage. Joanie, I would like thank you your wonderful work to working Webkit accessibility. If I founding another issues, I will be reporting this issues first this list, if the founded issue is Orca bug, I report the issue in bugzilla.


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