Re: [orca-list] grade 2 braille again

Hi Daniel:

I tested this with Orca from trunk, liblouis 1.5.2, and BrlTTY 3.9 on my OpenSolaris 2008.11 b109 box (GNOME 2.24.2) using the UEBC-g2.ctb table. These are the versions of liblouis and BrlTTY that we test with and use on OpenSolaris. Being a bit more on the conservative side, we also try make sure they function properly before unleashing them on unsuspecting users. :-) Things seemed to work fine and as expected. No crashes.

I spent the past couple hours updating the OpenSolaris spec files to get BrlTTY 3.10 and liblouis 1.6.0 to build/compile/install. I used Orca from trunk and UEBC-g2 as the contraction table. Things work fine and as expected. No crashes. :-(

There might be some sort of integration problem you're running into on the platform you're using. You might also look at the character encoding flags needed to build liblouis. From, I see a recommendation to use this command for Linux systems (I use --disable-ucs4 on OpenSolaris):

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-ucs4


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