[orca-list] Single-char silence with new Libao drivers+Orca (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] libao (new audio driver for speechd including working pulseaudio support).)

On 12/17/2009 11:24 AM, Halim Sahin wrote:
sorry I wasn't able to understand your problem.
1. Can you reproduce this with speechdispatcher and another audio output
like alsa or pulse?

As much as I'd like to help debug this, I think I'll pass. This happens with the Pulse drivers under Ubuntu, and unfortunately, eliminating Pulse from my system to test will not only render it incapable of playing back media, something I do regularly, but will also mute sound on reboot and, for some reason, no amount of tweaking mixer settings via an SSH session will get sound back. I'll leave the potentially serious accessibility breakage possibilities to someone who doesn't strictly need it. :)

2. Can you give us an easy example to reproduce the problem?

Sure, my original description gave you two. Type the letters in question and observe what does or doesn't speak, and arrow across the line of included characters char-by-char.

3. Which settings are enabled in keyecho tab of orca?

The correct ones for what I want. :) Echo by character, and all the char types I'd like echoed. I seriously doubt this is an Orca issue, as it wouldn't explain the sudden inconsistency that just happened to appear when I switched to a new audio output method.

4. Maybe you can test this with gnomespeech as well?

Already have and it worked fine, was using that until I switched to SD.

5. Can you please start a new mail thread for this?



No need for apology. I do hope this issue can be resolved, as it makes some situations somewhat unworkable (typing documents is tough when I don't know which character I've just erased and have to trigger another to be read in order to find out) but under every other output method to date, I've been experiencing occasional lockups and have to switch to a TTY to restart Orca (or, in rare occasions, the entire X session.) I haven't needed to restart since using this driver (not that I can recall, anyway.) I don't think it's ever been this stable for me in nearly two years of regular use. If I've experienced lockups since Wednesday then I certainly don't remember them, and I was getting them at the rate of several per day. Oh, and let's not forget the constant SD crashes under Pulse, wherein I'd restart it half a dozen times just to type a single email. That wasn't fun, but neither were the alternatives, and now all of that appears to be gone. :)

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