Re: [orca-list] [ANNOUNCE] libao (new audio driver for speechd including working pulseaudio support).

Could you explain what are the benefits of using that library instead
of the default drivers. I'm mainly interested if it is improving
stability because this is the main concern I have. And seems like
stability is not on the highest possible level with the original


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Halim Sahin <halim sahin t-online de> wrote:
Please use attached diff for speechd from Luke's git repo to add libao
Libao is a cross platform audio library for playing sound.
Marco Skambraks has written a libao driver for speechd which works out
of box with pulse.
Use libao as audiooutputmethod in spechd.conf.
libao uses pulse if
is set in /etc/libao.conf
It supports also oss alsa sun irix ...

I have tested libao with it's pulseaudio plugin and it works great.
Have a lot of fun.


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