Re: [orca-list] I Am having troubles to use Speechdispatcher with Orca, and I AM very sad because of it

Dear Mr. Chmiel,

there is quite a lot of confusion in your post, so I'll try to tell you
the basic steps:

1) You need to use ALSA for audio output as Pulse Audio is currently
not ready for assistive speech and its developers unavailable :(
For that reason, you must change the configuration of other
system components to ALSA and preferably uninstall PulseAudio.

2) Use spd-conf to setup a user setup on port 6561 with ALSA and

3) Let it run the tests to see if there is any problem.

4) Setup your SPEECHD_PORT environment variable to 6561
by "export SPEECHD_PORT=6561" for example in your .xsession.
Make it effective, easiest by X restart.

5) Start "orca -t" and do the configuration.

I've already recommended you before to use the package
provided with the BlindBuntu repository, which contains
such basic configuration modifications, so you don't need to
do them manually.

With regards,
Hynek Hanke

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