Re: [orca-list] Capital, Capital, Capital


You only notice this with flat review.  You're correct that typeing or cursoring in an editor will just raise 
the pitch instead 
of saying "capital".
The inconsistant behavior is a result of Orca not taking full advantage of speech-dispatcher.  There is a 
discussion on gnome-accessibility
concerning the speech support in ORca.  You might want to look at the archives to get up to speed on the 

Hope this helps.
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 09:52:33AM +0100, Hermann wrote:
What? Am I missing something? I use Orca with SD under Gutsy and Orca 
2.22.0, and I hear a rising pitch when I type a capital letter. Any idea 
why Orca/SD behaves that different?
And BTW: I prefer the announcement of a capital letter instead of a 
pitch, since the German word for "capital" just has one syllable.
Very astonishing!
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