Re: [orca-list] Capital, Capital, Capital

Dnia 2008-03-17, pon o godzinie 23:38 +0100, Tomas Cerha pisze:
a quick fix might be lowering the case of the character in Orca SD
backend before sending it to Speech Dispatcher.  It will disable
synthesizer controlled capital verbalization, but this is probably not a
serious limitation for now, since Orca controlled pitch signalization
seems to be prefered.

It is especially usable with synthesizers which does not support pitch
change (like Ivona) ;)

  I'm not aware of other problems this might cause.
 A better solution may be found later, but it should help for now.

I think the best solution would be to leave decision to user. Not only
for capitals, but also for accented letters. My eSpeak knows better how
to pronounce 'Å' or 'Ã' in Polish :)

May be option like 'pass all characters directly to synthesizer'?

You must remember: eSpeak is not only synthesizer used with Orca, and
Orca is not only application using speech. If I have Orca, Yasr and some
self-made application using libspeechd, I expect same pronunciation in

BTW. Jonathan, very good idea (espeakCAPITALS) but add the option "do


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