Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca

"MW" == Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> writes:

    MW> So can I read from this that there will be a C core to
    MW> speech-dispatcher (or whatever TTS api takes its place)? 

No.  But you can still use the current Speech Dispatcher implementation.
It won't die anytime soon and although its official maintenance is
likely to stop once/if the replacement will be available sometimes in
future, you can still use it until it becomes obsolete.  This means you
are likely to be able to use it for many years from now when needed.

    MW> I do accept that with increasing capacities of USB memory sticks
    MW> and external hard disks coming down in price the need for the
    MW> absolute minimal is less now, but I still would like to have the
    MW> minimal still available should I need it. 

Sure.  "Minimal" significantly increases in time and Python is not
something extra large, just a few MB.  Well, if we limited ourselves to
the floppy disk size when we started with Speech Dispatcher development
(common media type that time), there would be no Speech Dispatcher
today.  That's the primary point.

    MW> My feeling is that speech-dispatcher isn't a gnome applictation,
    MW> or a GUI application and is used outside those contexts so
    MW> possibly those other applications should be considered in the
    MW> design. I just meant by the comment that a gnome application (so
    MW> orca) isn't affected so much by having to include python as a
    MW> dependency as might the affect be on something like brltty or
    MW> YASR.

I believe it's only matter of time when Orca (and thus Python:-) will be
common part even of minimal distributions.


Milan Zamazal

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