Re: [orca-list] I'm a newby: need help in installing Orca

my name is Maurizio. I'm writing from Italy. I'm a totally newby of linux, ubuntu and orca but I'm keen to 
try it. I>download Ubuntu 7.10, burnt it on a cd and launched it by changing my boot order. Then I pressed 
f5 for the>accessibility menu, 3 for screenreader (and I got it checked by a sighted person that the 
selection was right) and>finaly twice enter. I waited a lot of time, heard the gingle but then Orca simply 
didn't speak. I'm sure many of you>encountered the same problem and so I know there must be a way to cope 
with it. Can anybody help? 
Thanks in advance!

When you get to the desktop (after the little jingle noise) try the following:

1) press ALT + F2
This launches the run dialog.

2) type "orca"
without the quotes ("").  This should launche orca and automatically start to orca preffrences dialog.

3) make any changes you need in the dialog (laptop/desktop keyboard layout, speech echo prefferences, etc).

4) activate the O.K. button.

5) press tab and activate the quit button (only if you altered any of the settings in the previous steps).
The first time you launch orca, you need to quit and restart for the prefference changes to take effect.  
After that, any more changes will take effect when you close the prefferences dialog.

6) press Alt + F2

7) again type "orca"

Let me know if this doesn't work.  When you start Ubuntu from the cd press F5 followed by 3 like normal; even 
though orca doesn't automatically launch like it should, assistive technology support is still enabled.  If 
at-spi (assistive technology software protocol interface, or something like that) isn't active when you start 
orca, there's a couple extra steps to get up and running.

I hope this helps:-)

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