[orca-list] Position of state vs. label for checkboxes (was Re: progress of progress bars is not reported., is it a known thing?)

But thats allmost the case in all apps.
label <x>
but it should be 
<x> label.

Thanks.  That helps.  This is definitely the way braillegenerator.py
does it and is how things are spec'd out.  We could potentially provide
an option to specify where the state should go with respect to the
label, but I'll defer to Mike on this.  One thing I would like to avoid
is a humongous bunch of user configurable settings -- interfaces to such
things can become somewhat difficult to use.

As an aside, when I was first working on the speech and braille
generators, I started developing a grammar to express the presence and
order of things such as the object label, role, and state.  The idea was
that the generators would use this grammar and users could customize the
grammar to their heart's content.  I decided I was overgeneralizing too
soon and ended up just hard coding things until we learned more.  When
the time comes (perhaps now?), maybe we can revisit this notion.

It seems that you do not check the possition of labels and controls in 

I'm not sure we can actually check the position in a straightforward
manner.  That is, I don't think there's a direct method in AT-SPI to
tell us this information, and the label and state of a control tend to
not be separate objects for things like checkboxes in GTK+.  That is,
the graphical indicator for a checkbox and its label tend to be just one
object as exposed by the AT-SPI.

As a possible solution, one might get the extents of the accessible text
for the checkbox and compare them to the extents of the checkbox itself.
From there, one might be able to infer the left/right/top/bottom
position of the checkbox.  We're working pretty hard on other stuff
right now, though, and probably won't be able to dedicate time to this
right now.  Is this something you'd like to work on?



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