Re: Orca on laptops.

Yes, it's significantly intrusive from the perspective of the user who
doesn't rely on Orca. So, it should come and go with the loading and
unloading of Orca.

On the other hand, as I tried to suggest, the reason it has proven so
reliable for screen readers is precisely the fact that other
applications are highly unlikely ever to map it for their own peculiar
uses. We can't say that of any other key, and frankly of most any other
key combination.


Bill Haneman writes:
Makes sense, with the caveat that if we remap CapsLock to achieve this 
(as we probably must, to avoid the latching behavior),  then the end 
user will no longer be able to use CapsLock in the "normal" way.  
Probably that is not a significant issue for 99% of the users. 

I agree with Will's point that we should be thinking user-centrically in 
most of our discussion; however the point I made about remapping being 
more intrusive as a technique still applies.  The use of CapsLock is, as 
Will pointed out in an earlier email, somewhat less clean and ideal 
technically than using some other modifier key.  This is because, unlike 
the other keys, use of CapsLock is inherently "modal" (changes the X 
keyboard state in a "sticky" way) unless the CapsLock key is re-mapped 
to some other X keyboard symbol.   


Janina Sajka wrote:
Bill Haneman writes:
Thanks Will.  That clarifies things somewhat - we're using the term 
"modifier key" differently.  Maybe I'll contact you offlist for info on 
the internal details.

So does that basically mean this whole discussion of orca on laptops is 
moot, or at least addressed fully via orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys 
(possibly with a UI for changing it easily) ?



I shouldn't think so. This discussion has already pointed out that
CapsLock is the established default modifier for JFW users on Windows
and for Speakup users on Linux. Furthermore, it is reasonable to expect
that no new application is likely to adopt CapsLock for it's own uses,
i.e. we run the least risk of conflict both today and tomorrow by
defaulting to CapsLock as the default Orca laptop modifier.

Of course, the fact that this is established practice and widely
expected by users both on Windows and Linux should really end this
discussion, from the user point of view.  Choosing anything else will
certainly cause continuing confusion and displeasure among users, so
there'd need to be extremely powerful arguments to choose anything else.
I haven't heard arguments yet in this thread that strike me as
sufficiently convincing to look for some other modifier. 

It's available, achievable and remappable, and it's what users expect.
What else do we need to put this one to bed?


Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

I don't think there's a need to map an existing X modifier to the Orca
modifier.  Orca invents its own modifier internally and allows any key
to act as the Orca modifier.  That's why Insert and KP_Insert can act as
the Orca modifier key.  As such, I'm not sure "which modifier" is an
important discussion to have.



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Janina Sajka                            Phone: +1.202.595.7777
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada--Go to 
http://ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup          Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina freestandards org      

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