Re: disabling keyring

On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:29:00PM -0400, Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Why?  This isn't a vote.  The point is that we did not design it for 
> your use case.  The fact that you even know what sshd is sort of puts 
> you outside of our target user base.  :-)

Let me sum up.

* Evereyone agrees that NM could do much greater thing (without any loss
  of functionality) if there were some mechanism to read (and, eventually,
  write) some shared data in some central system wide repository. At
  least; no one disagreed.
* Doing so should not be difficult. It could even simplify a lot
* No one would lose any functionnality and some people would gain some.

Yet, this should not be done because the people who would gain from it is
not the target audience. This argument does not make any sense ! I could
have understood the argument "it is a nice idea, but the developpers feel
that there are more urgent things to do. We'll think about it later. If
you code it, We'll take it" But saying that it is not interesting seems so
weird to me !
> >It is also absolutely reasonable for a client machine to have a server 
> >process listening on an port.  sshd is the perfect example!
> Yes.  sshd is a good example.  I agree it is 100% reasonable for a linux 
> geek to want to do that.  Also, people who like the taste of Elmer's 

Let me try again. Alice is a geek. She knows about ssh. She shares a
laptop with her brother Bob and her boyfriend Charlie, who are computer
illitterates (the "target audience"). She administrates the machine. She
wants Bob and Charlie to be able to use the computer at home, at work and
at the coffee house, so she installs NetworkManager. However, at home,
while Bob and Charlie use the laptop, she wants to be able to log in on
the machine from the other computer to make update, fix things, install
programs, etc. So a sshd is running on it. Charlie and Bob don't know
about it, but it is there and it is important. Unfortunately,
NetworkManager isn't helpful to deamon processes.

You know what ? I think that it is not at all a contrieved axample. I am,
more or less, in that case and I would think that the vast majority of
NetworkManager users are either pure geeks or peoples administrated by a


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