Re: [Muine] New release soon?

2006/1/20, Oliver Lemke <olemke core-dump info>:
> I think the scrobbler plugin is also confused because when the
> SongChangedEvent is fired, the player.Position is still pointing to the
> end of the last song. That's why muinescrobbler thinks the song started
> late and is not submitting it:

Yes, that smells like a bug in muine.

> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 230 for song Ironic
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 230 for song Ironic
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 230 for song Ironic
> GabouPlugin: Started playing Hand in My Pocket, current position 230
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 0 for song Hand in My Pocket
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 0 for song Hand in My Pocket
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 0 for song Hand in My Pocket
> GabouPlugin: Tick Event at position 0 for song Hand in My Pocket

I guess you have a different version of GabouPlugin, my version did
not print the current position in case of a new song event.
Terminate Schwarzenegger

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