Re: [libxml++] unicode support

hey Murray,

I think our current situation can be summed up simply like this:

I'v got a libxml2 C++ wrapper library up and running, which, rather
than maintaining and using it all alone, I'd much prefer to integrate
into libxml++.

Further, the way you request me to collaborate is inacceptable for me,
as you essentially want to be able to approve each single line of
suggested change. Yet you don't want to write those changes yourself,
asking me to 'show the patch'.

This makes me wonder whether you are really interested in my
contributions. Your phrasing at least seems to indicate the only
one being interested into the changes is me.

I just don't have the time for this. I'll gladly show the code I
use, so you can adapt it to your hearts content. But don't expect
me to provide you with patches and then wait weeks to get each one
individually approved and checked in. That's not going to work.


PS: as to my first mail in this thread: we *did* discuss the change
    I suggested, and I only wanted to report *how* it did work out.
    Why do we need a patch to discuss this ? Please read up on this
    in the ML archives to refresh your memory. There is enough to
    "look at and respond to".

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