Re: compiling gtkmm with atkmm support fails in

On 19/11/2015 20:16, codekiddy wrote:

Test program can't be more simple then it is:

#include <gtkmm/window.h>
#include <gtkmm/application.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace Glib;
using namespace Gtk;

RefPtr<Application> app = Application::create( argc, argv, "gtkmm.exe" );

Window win;

Does 'Application::create()' call 'gtk_init()'?  If you can see the resulting Window then I guess it must do but I don't really have time to check.  This line will definitely call it though, if you need to try an alternative:-

        Gtk::Main  app (&argc, &argv);

If the above isn't relevant then I'd tend to agree with Phil.  You've probably got some other file somewhere which is undeffing GTKMM_ATKMM_ENABLED.  Most likely you might have multiple copies of gtkmmconfig.h.  It looks like you edited one (to add #define GTKMM_ATKMM_ENABLED 1) but maybe there are others somewhere which still say #undef GTKMM_ATKMM_ENABLED ?

Another thing you could try is to modify your ForceInclude file.  Instead of its current contents try it with just this line:-

       #include <gtkmmconfig.h>

That will (hopefully) ensure that the same header file gets #included every time.  If you've got more than one copy, it might end up including the wrong one - but at least it should always be the same one!


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