Re: compiling gtkmm with atkmm support fails in

Den 2015-11-18 kl. 19:23, skrev codekiddy:
Hey guys,

I compiled gtkmm with GTKMM_ATKMM_ENABLED 1

Applied a simple fix, run an example gtkmm program and it works just fine!

Here is how classes inherit destructors in order: ( I marked important code with bold )


class ObjectBase : virtual public sigc::trackable
        virtual ~ObjectBase() noexcept = 0; // pure virtual dtor, any derived class dtor won't throw.


class Object : virtual public ObjectBase
       virtual ~Object() noexcept;


class Interface : virtual public Glib::ObjectBase
       virtual ~Interface() noexcept;


class Implementor : public Glib::Interface
         virtual ~Implementor() noexcept; // I think this is bad, you'll see why ...



class Widget : public Object, public Buildable
  ,public Atk::Implementor

Now let's see the implementation of Atk::~Implementor()

Implementor::~Implementor() noexcept { }  // do you see why this is bad ?

Atk::~Implementor is defined but it can't call Glib::Object::~Object()
because Glib::Object::~Object() is declared protected

Why should it call Glib::Object::~Object()? Atk::Implementor does not inherit from Glib::Object.
I have removed ~Implementor() destructor and let the compiler generate one.
recompiled atkmm and it now it works just fine!

Interesting, but I don't understand what's the difference between
  Implementor::~Implementor() noexcept { }
and a compiler-generated destructor. Is noexcept bad here? Gtk::Buildable::~Buildable() and many other destructors look the same.

The preprocessor may replace noexcept by _NOEXCEPT because of these lines in glibmmconfig.h:

#if (_MSC_VER < 1900) && !defined (noexcept)
#define noexcept _NOEXCEPT

Please give your opinion, did I do the right thing? I'm not 100% sure.

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