On 17/11/2015 09:07, Kjell Ahlstedt
Hi Kjell - presumably you built with gcc, yes..? I'm actually building with MSVC-8 but for the hell of it, I re-built Gtkmm this morning - this time making sure that GTKMM_ATKMM_ENABLED was definitely #defined. Believe it or not I see the same crash as codekiddy! I used a very simple application:- int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main app (&argc, &argv); // Calls 'gtk_init()' Gtk::Window mainWnd; mainWnd.set_title ("Whatever"); app.run (mainWnd); return 0; } When I attempt to close the app's window it crashes in the d'tor for Glib::Atk::Implementor. More specifically, it crashes at this code in 'glibmm/glib/glibmm/refptr.h':- template <class T_CppObject> inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::~RefPtr() { if(pCppObject_) pCppObject_->unreference(); // This could cause pCppObject to be deleted. // ^ ^ ^ CRASH HAPPENS HERE } and the above seems to get called during this 'destroy_()' call in 'gtkmm/gtk/gtkmm/window.cc':- Window::~Window() { destroy_(); } My guess would be that there is indeed some kind of double deletion happening. I'll spend another hour or so on it and see if I can get any further... John |