Re: Invisible GtkImage

On Sun, 2013-06-23 at 00:53 +0200, Colomban Wendling wrote:
2) you say it doesn't expand: check your packing flags.  You have:
      page.pack_start(page._bannerAspectFrame, False, False, 0)
   the 2 False mean "don't expand and don't fill the available space".
   Change this to True, True and you'll be happy.

Hey Colomban. I actually already tried that. If I set the second
parameter to True, it does expand to fill the available space, but the
other widgets below it in the next row below in the vbox are pushed down
to the bottom half of the box's available space so that there is a huge
wasted space between the banner image and the bottom half.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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