Re: GtkExtra example doesn't build


One additional thing is that, in the file I sent you earlier today, you may
need to remove
the 'gtkextra/' prefix when specifying the header files you wish to include:
e.g., #include "gtkplot.h"
instead of #include "gtkextra/gtkplot.h".  This depends on the location you
keep your source
files at.  In my case, the location was completely different and unrelated
to the package itself,
so as to simulate the actual development environment.



On 2/5/06, Al Hooton <al hootons org> wrote:

        Oh, one more thing:

        Be *absolutely* sure your distro didn't originally install an
version of gtkextra or gtkextra-2 for you.  I've heard that some distros
have done this in the past, although I've never run in to it myself.  If

that is the case, the compiler may be finding those old .h files because
they show up earlier in the header file search path, which could easily
cause the kinds of problems you're seeing.

        If there is an old version on your box, you'll have to remove
traces of it if you're going to be successful building a newer


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