Re: Gnumeric vs. OOCalc

On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 03:24:02PM +0200, Parrenin Fr?d?ric wrote:
I don't use Calc or XL, so I can't compare, but I thought "split panes"
is what Gnumeric calls "frozen panes".
In fact, it is not. "Split panes" is more powerful than frozen panes.
For example, you can scroll in both panes. 
We really should add this.  All the hard work has already been done
to get frozen panes to work.  The only real difference for split
panes is the addition of the spliter widgets and a relaxation of the
binding between panes.
In gnumeric, you only have several pre-defined headers and footers. You
cannot customize them as in Calc. As an example, try to write in the
header: "this is spreasheet written by gnumeric" :-)
Also you cannot define borders and backgrounds.
This should work.  Please submit a bugreport.

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