Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Refactoring the addressbook code

Damien Sandras a écrit :
Le mardi 28 mars 2006 à 11:19 +0200, Julien PUYDT a écrit :
Damien Sandras a écrit :
Le mardi 28 mars 2006 à 11:14 +0200, Julien PUYDT a écrit :

You cannot do everything with signals, indeed. And I don't want to put glib in opal, but wrap opal with some glib code :-)

Not all of it, silly, just the IM part ;-)

As I said, when audio&video are involved, threading is the way to go (and gtk+ the way not to go).

I'm not sure I follow you.

Let's imagine we have this :

OpalSIPPresenceEP::OpalSIPPresenceEP ();

void OpalSIPPresenceEP::SetState (enum state);

void OpalSIPPresenceEP::OnRemoteContactStateChanged (SIPURL
remoteContact, enum newState);


gm_roster_set_local_state (GmRoster *, enum state);
gm_roster_set_contact_state (GmRoster *, GmContact *, enum state);

What do you have in mind?

Both an opal and a glib object, the opal object being the backend's backend ; the glib object will be the backend for the rest (ui, dbus, whatever).

The implementation would not be pretty but would at least put us safely into the glib mainloop :

struct stupid_foo_call_data {
  /* whatever data is needed */

OpalSIPPresenceEP::Foo ()
 /* allocate and populate data, a stupid_foo_call_data */
 g_idle_add (idle_foo, (gpointer)data);

static gboolean
idle_foo (gpointer data)
  /* data is really a stupid_foo_call_data ; get
   * what is needed out of it, then free it  */

  /* do whatever we want to the glib object : change it,
   * let it emit signals... no problem, we're in the glib mainloop */

  return FALSE;

As I said, not pretty.


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