Re: Run the Shell as a "real" session?

That is more encouraging--now I get a black screen, cursor & oddly
enough--gkrellm starts in its normal place with the last desktop
background (I use a transparent theme).....So it is
/usr/share/applications/gnome-shell.desktop looks like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNOME Shell
Exec=sh -c "jhbuild -f ~/.jhbuildrc run gnome-shell --replace"

No problem with the--Here I meant "desktop file" not "shell script
wrapper"--knew what you were talking about ;-)

I'm so close--yet so far...don't normally do IRC so don't know what
would be the easiest way to talk to RainCT--Would really like to know
his method in more depth-----You have got me most of the way there & I
thank you for that!!!!!

I guess that I can try to get in contact with him--I'll fire up a client
& see if I can talk to him--if you get a chance--could you send him my



On 08/02/2009 01:45 PM, Ray Strode wrote:
> Hi,
>> I had just done a copy/paste for the
>> xsession file & I am going to bet the problem is with my applications
>> file...I tried it similar to your one, then called the shell
>> all cases the session defaulted to 2.27 default.
> RainCT on #gnome-shell managed to get this working in ubuntu by
> modifying the shell script wrapper in /usr/share/xsessions such that
> its Exec line only has one argument (a shell script).  Apparently, the
> ubuntu Xsession file doesn't allow multiple arguments passed to it.
> So just create a file: /usr/bin/ or similar with this in:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec gnome-session --default-session-key /desktop/gnome/session/shell_session
> run chmod +x /usr/bin/
> and put instead of gnome-session
> --default-session.... in the xsession desktop file.
> --Ray

Dean Loros
autocrosser at
Performance by Design Ltd.

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