Re: Run the Shell as a "real" session?

Hmmm--that tries to work--I get a default 2.27.4 Gnome session instead
of the Ubuntu-centric session---not sure what's going on, I tried
several different takes on the
/usr/share/applications/gnome-shell.desktop file--using my .jbuildrc,
pointing at my "real" build location & a couple of non-working ideas....

I'm using the default .jbuildrc & .jbuildrc-custom files--not sure what
I'm doing wrong--any other ideas?

Thanks for the help!!!


On 08/01/2009 04:31 PM, Ray Strode wrote:
> What I do is:
> 1) create a file called /usr/share/applications/gnome-shell.desktop
> that looks like this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Name=GNOME Shell
> Exec=sh -c "jhbuild -f ~/gnome-shell.jhbuild run gnome-shell --replace"
> NoDisplay=true
> X-GNOME-Provides=panel;windowmanager;
> X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Panel
> (gnome-shell.jhbuild is the .jhbuildrc I use for building gnome-shell)
> 2) create a file called /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-shell.desktop that
> looks like this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Name=GNOME Shell
> Comment=This session logs you into the GNOME shell.
> Exec=gnome-session --default-session-key /desktop/gnome/session/shell_session
> TryExec=gnome-session
> 3) create the shell_session gconf key:
> gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/session/shell_session --type list
> --list-type string '[gnome-shell,gnome-settings-daemon]'
> This key parallels /desktop/gnome/session/default_session but adds the
> gnome-shell override.  Since the gnome-shell desktop file provides
> panel and windowmanager it won't start the default panel and
> windowmanager.
> --Ray
Dean Loros
autocrosser at
Performance by Design Ltd.

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