Re: Menus

7-Nov-98 11:01 you wrote:
> Khimenko Victor <> wrote:
>> Problem with grayed items are completely non-related to custmizable (by admin)
>> menus. But since grayed item usually means "this feature non-applicable here"
>> (something "Paste" command when clipboard is empty) this is not so consistent
>> design.

> one could make it a different shade of grey, or use a stroke-out font or a
> million other possibilities. the point is that it's gotta be visible.

I'm not so sure...

>> This looks like try to make tantalizing feeling for customer: this
>> feature here and you could use it if.... if what ? If you'll go to admin with
>> BIG hammer or if you'll crack system, perhaps ? Not good design.

> think about a netscape version installed at a public access terminal. you
> know netscape. you would be at least temporarily confused if its menus would
> suddenly look totally different.

Yes, but not much. "It's public place -- of course it's special version of
Netscape with few features stripped". But if features are grayed this will be
MUCH more confusing: "Hm. This looks exactly like Netscape at home. But why
is "Save as" grayed? It's grayed at home when there are no document to save
but I'm see document right here on screen! Is it Netscape broken or what ?"

>> If I'll be
>> deprived of some features I'll be content in most cases but if each time when
>> I'll try to use menu I'll be reminded that I'm expilictly bereft of some
>> features... I bet sysamins will be unhappy with such design since this will
>> GREATLY raise noise level from users...

> you can always edit the source...

ONLY if it's OSS. And all GNOME applications will be OSS in exactly one case:
if GNOME will never be popular enough to make commercial proprietary programs
for GNOME. Does not look like a good perspective to me !

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