Re: [gnome-cy] Windows in Welsh, but not at public expense

Sgrifennodd Kevin Donnelly:
> >>>>>begin draft
> *Free software advances force Microsoft to support Welsh*
> The list of free/open-source software in Welsh is impressive: the
> GNOME and KDE desktops, Mandrake Linux,, and individual
> applications like Abiword, Mozilla and Scribus DTP are either
> available now, or will be in the near future.  This work has been
> going on for some time, but picked up momentum in 2003.  Upwards of
> 90,000 phrases have been translated so far by volunteers, working
> either alone or in a loose team, and there is now a firm base for a
> home-grown Welsh desktop running Welsh applications.

Ydy hi'n bosibl symleiddio'r paragraff yma i ffitio i mewn ymennydd
technoffobig 4K golygydd heipothetig?  Beth am ddechrau efo rhywbeth fel

| The list of free/open-source software in Welsh is impressive.  Welsh
| free software can perform many common tasks of home and work users;
| for instance:
| - Mozilla: Email and web browsing
| - Word-processing, Spreadsheets and presentations
| - GNOME, KDE and Mandrake Linux: The underlying operating system
| ...

D.S. dwi ddim yn trio awgrymu mai dyna yw'r drefn bwysicrwydd!  Dim ond
bod hi'n haws egluro beth mae Mozilla ac yn wneud mewn 
un brawddeg - efallai bod rhywun yn gallu disgrifio GNOME, KDE neu
Mandrake yn glirach na fi heb fynd yn dechnegol ...

Yn gyffredinol dwi'n meddwl bod y drafft yn dda - braidd yn feirniadol
o Microsoft, ond ddim heb reswm.


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