Re: [Gimp-user] A Sad case of regression.

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine <
alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Psiweapon wrote:

I'm not saying this guy is right, but your "holier than thou"
attitude is
corrosive and self-satisfied.

Oh, not holier :) Just smarter. And I can prove that.

Are you sure? I'm not saying you're not, but you'd need *his *credentials
too to prove that.

Yeah, I'm working on that :)

Now that sounds horribly underhanded.

Oh, and being smarter doesn't make you a better person. Your smarter than
you is still corrosive and self-satisfied.

You see, I never claimed to be a good person. I'm not even remotely
interested in looking like one.

Your lack of interest and claim on the issue doesn't make it any less of a

Hey, wait. I *am* acting holier than thou. My apologies :X

So. You only take feedback from the elite? Honest question.

I can understand that the extent of the *undying backlash* is probably a
pain in the ass,
although I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if it was completely beneath you...

You just come across as some sort of self-appointed boyar, which I'd expect
from a
mainstream software corporate honcho - not from an open software big fish.

*"It's too bad I can't force quit a list thread like I can processes.  At
rate this discussion is stale.  Quit the whimpering and Alexandre enough of
the attitude."*

Okay. I'll shut up now.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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